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German school teacher revealed as far-right peddler – Bild  

The woman had apparently managed to conceal her identity with the help of a wig and false name while presenting on TV 

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A trainee elementary school teacher has been suspended in Germany after it came to light that she had previously worked as an anchor for a media outlet deemed by the authorities as far-right and pro-Kremlin, Bild has reported. A regional educational official argued that the woman’s “anti-constitutional views” were incompatible with her job as an educator.  

In its report on Wednesday, Bild alleged that Elisa B. had worked as a teacher in the Markisch-Oderland district of eastern Brandenburg region since February. However, aside from that, the 29-year-old is said to have been the face of a local TV channel named Strausberg TV, and also worked for Compact TV in the recent past.  

The latter is considered by the German security services to be a peddler of “Kremlin propaganda and conspiracy theories,” and is said to “stir hatred against the government, Muslim and Jewish organizations.” The authorities believe that the media outlet seeks to remove Germany’s “free democratic constitutional order.”  

While the security services typically keep tabs on all Compact TV employees, Elisa B. had managed to slip under the radar for at least a year, using a wig and a false name, Bild claimed.  

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It is only after someone noticed striking similarities between Compact TV presenter Anna’s and Strausberg TV presenter Elisa’s way of speaking, eyes, nose, and even birthmarks, that the newspaper Tagesspiegel made the suspicions public.   

Following the report, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution notified the Education Ministry in July about the woman’s track record.   

According to Bild, education officials initially refused to relieve the teacher of her duties. However, journalists subsequently contacted Brandenburg’s state secretary for education, Claudia Zinke, inquiring about the decision to retain the teacher.  

Zinke consequently ordered the “immediate release from duties” of the woman, saying that her “anti-constitutional views are not tolerated in the teaching profession.”


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