Remote working
Want to move to Czech Republic? A new digital nomad visa hopes to attract skilled workers
Want to move to Czech Republic? A new digital nomad visa hopes to attract skilled workers
The Czech Republic has just introduced a digital nomad visa aimed at highly skilled remote workers. The new visa, which…
The Sardinian village tempting remote workers with free rent, party invites and immersive culture
The Sardinian village tempting remote workers with free rent, party invites and immersive culture
Fancy working from home in surroundings so picturesque they put chocolate boxes to shame? Well now you can bed-in beneath…
Debunking the myths of procrastination: What is it and how can you stop?
Debunking the myths of procrastination: What is it and how can you stop?
Guilty of gossiping at the coffee machine or pretending to look extra busy when you’re really booking holidays? You could…